Texting Myself is an ongoing broadside series. Initially created as an exercise in documenting classic typographic texts while scrutinizing their principles, the resulting prints are something that the individual authors would likely abhor. This series attempts to transmit a new perspective on letterforms and their legibility in print.

Texting Myself #1 (Goudy), 2019. 20 x 26”.

An excerpt from Frederic Goudy’s The Alphabet. Wood type letterpress printed onto Johannot in 11 runs. Edition of 4. 

Texting Myself #2 (Alsleben), 2019. 20 x 25”. 

A quote from Kurd Alsleben, as discovered in the tome Compendium for Literates (Karl Gerstner, 1974). Wood type letterpress printed onto Stonehenge in seven runs. Edition of 4. 

Texting Myself #3 (Tschichold), 2019. 20 x 26”.

A line taken from “The Principles of New Typography,” as found in the collection Texts on Type (Heller and Meggs, 2001). Wood type letterpress printed onto Canford Card. Impossible to photograph but vibrates the eyeballs in person. Variable edition of 4.